C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington

C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington

USD $55.00
C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington
C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington
C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington
C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington
C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington
C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington

C. Porphyrophlebia x Blc. Pamela Hetherington

USD $55.00
Maximum quantity exceeded
Minimum purchase amount of 12 is required
Maximum purchase amount of 12 is allowed
Your Price: USD $55.00
A one-time price of USD $55.00 will be added to your order.
12 Left in Stock
Minimum purchase amount of 12 is required
Maximum purchase amount of 12 is allowed
Categories: Cattleyas
  • Description

Size: 6' pot

Blooming size: Yes

Light: Bright indirect sun

Temp: Warm

Water: Dry between watering

Plant purchased may not be in spike or bloom.

We can not guarantee spike or bloom will not be damaged during shipping.

Temps must still be forecasted above freezing ( in your area) on estimated arrival dates to ensure plant arrives in good condition.